March 01, 2016

Vote Jed Bartlett

If you're in a number of states - today is "Super Tuesday".  While I won't get all political on you - I will ask that you do your part and let your voice be heard by voting.  It's not only a right; it's a duty. (Yes, you can expect this pep talk again in November...)

As a registered Independent, I'm carefully weighing my options before I walk into my polling precinct today and wish I could say with absolute certainty how I'm going to vote when I get there.  The candidate I actually liked is gone.

In the meantime - I'm really wishing we could elect our favorite TV President.  In my case, it would be Jed Bartlett from The West Wing.  I could...OK, I do... watch The West Wing over and over again, and wish that I had as much confidence in any of our real life candidates as I do in that this character would do a better job.

Who's your favorite TV President?


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