January 10, 2011

Tuesdays At The Table - Spinach Ravioli

Happy Tuesday, ladies!  I hope all of you in the south got a snow day and a little fun outside playing.  :-)  The storm is heading this way - and I'm hoping for a snow day too.

This week I'm sharing my spinach ravioli.  I had them for dinner.  So good!

Lovely Yellow Ribbons

Spinach Ravioli

2 c. sifted all-purpose flour
3 eggs
3/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. oil
Lukewarm water

Sift flour into bowl; make a well in center. Add eggs, salt, oil and 3 tablespoons water; mix well and form smooth dough ball. A little more water may be needed for proper consistency. Put ball into bowl; cover and let stand 10 minutes.

Divide dough into 2 portions; place 1 on well-floured board and roll with well-floured rolling pin until dough frequently and gently stretch with fingertips. Cut into strips 2-inches wide with knife (or do circles with a small cookie cutter). Place 1 teaspoon spinach filling at 2-inch intervals on one strip. Lay second strip of dough over filling. With fingers gently press around each mound to seal in filling. Cut between mounds with knife. Cook in boiling water 15 minutes. Heat spaghetti sauce of choice; add ravioli, tossing gently to coat them with sauce.

Spinach Filling:

1 cup ricotta
1 egg yolk
10 oz pkg frozen spinach, drained and thawed or 1 1/2 cups fresh, cooked
4 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper

Combine ingredients to make filling.

What's cooking in your kitchen?


  1. Thank you for sharing!!! I'm excited to try this out sometime soon!

  2. What a yummy sounding recipe! Thanks for the link party :)

  3. That sounds like a great way to have spinach! :)

  4. I have been saying I will try making ravioli, but haven't yet. But I'm taking down the recipe and maybe we'll do this in a week or two! Trying to get more in our collection that are different and fun and delicious and this seems to hit all three :) Thanks!

  5. This looks like a great Ravioli recipe. I would like to invite you to bring a dish to my Full Plate Thursday. Thank you for hosting us today and you have a great week!

  6. Sounds yummy and fairly easy! I will have to Rey it!

  7. Your ravioli sounds delicious and I love that you can make it without a pasta machine!! Thanks for hosting!

  8. thanks for the link up, newest follower.


  9. I'm not a fan of spinach, but this recipe makes it sound good!

  10. I'm a huge fan of spinach and trying to get my kids to eat it...this might be the trick:) thanks! have a splendid day!:)

  11. I love ravioli. Sounds like a great recipe! First time linking here:


  12. pasta, cheese and spinach, perfect comfort dinner combo. Thanks for sharing and hosting this party.
    Best wishes,

  13. What little it takes for some of you southerners to qualify for a snow day is cute to some of us Michiganders ;-)

  14. I love spinach and I love ravoili. Might have to get up the nerve to try to make my own. Thanks for sharing and thanks for hosting.

  15. Hi Cole! I always feel so happy when I stop by your sunny spot! We are getting ready for another big blizzard and I can use all the "sunny" I can get! This week i am linking up a recipe for pork tenderloin that was delicious and easy! All the best, Alex

  16. Thanks for hosting! Your ravioli sounds delicious.


  17. I am not a fan of ravioli for some reason, I'm odd I know! I linked up my spicy chicken cakes with horseradish aioli. Thanks for hosting!

  18. This sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing and for hosting today.


  19. I love ravioli! I never thought to make it myself. What a delicious idea!

  20. You have inspired me to try my hand at making ravioli - This will be a first!

  21. Enjoy the homemade chicken nugget recipe! They are too good to not share!!

  22. Your raviolis sound great!
    I am sharing my recipe for Italian Garbanzo Bean Salad this week. It is a gorgeous salad and tastes great too!
    Thanks for hosting!

  23. Thanks for hosting this recipe link-up! This is my first time here (found you at Women Living Well). I'm sharing a year-long adventure my ten-year-old and I are embarking on in 2011 - baking a new muffin recipe each Monday. Doesn't that sound fun (and delicious)?!

  24. Oops! Just realized I didn't erase a prior link up title before linking up... It makes it look like I'm thankful for sourdough muffins (?). The sourdough part shouldn't be there. Sorry! It's just raspberry muffins...

  25. I have never made my own pasta and would love to try it. This recipe looks delicious!


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