November 09, 2015

Thirty Days of Thankful - Comedy

I'm of the opinion that there is ALWAYS something to laugh about, if you just take a minute to look around and find it.  I love to laugh.  I'm such a geek, and the dumbest things make me laugh.  Life would be miserable if I couldn't laugh! My goal is to have my cubicle makes ask me what the hell is so funny at least once a week.

Here are a few of my favorite comedians these days.  Are you familiar with them?  Have any I should take a look at?

Even though I don't have human kids, this is one of my favorite routines.  I die laughing!

Sorry...I had this set up to show you videos, but Blogger is being naughty and keeps stripping them out!

If you can get through this bit by Jimmy Carr on annoying things, I envy you!
Bill Engvall always gives me a good giggle!
Trevor Noah is great for a laugh (and sometimes comedy that makes you think...).

Lastly, Matt Bellassai of Buzzfeed videos don't seem to embed for me all that I'm just going to tell you to click HERE and go watch some of his "whine about it" episodes! I look for a new episode every Wednesday! 



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